Sales Manager, Yale China





  1. 负责所辖区域整体市场规划、具体运作策略的落实,对区域内销售结果负责(注:主要负责西北区域市场)
  2. 负责所辖渠道所有重点客户的拜访、客情维护并建立稳定的合作关系及大型客户的开发、洽谈、拓展。(每月客户拜访次数不少于5家)
  3. 负责每月按规定日期向大区、销售部提报、审核销售旬滚动计划,并与销售支持部门做好协同,确保订单准确无误(每月24日审核提报)
  4. 负责搜集所辖区域内竞争产品的价格、销售通路、促销手段等信息,调查、分析与预测本销区市场状况,并随时与主管领导进行沟通并采取应对措施。(周报、月度管理报告的信息反馈及时性、真实性审核提报、建议调整)
  5. 为完成销售目标进行的跨部门协同及公司交办的其他事项


  • :
  1. 3年以上电子锁相关行业零售背景,有丰富的建材/房地产/酒店/建筑设计等渠道客户资源,在市场拓展、项目开发、大客户维护等方面有丰富的经验;
  2. 熟悉现代企业销售管理制度及团队建设管理,思路清晰有激情,行业知识全面,学习能力强,有较强的语言沟通能力和文字表达能力;
  3. 有敏锐的市场洞察力,有强烈的事业心、责任心和积极的工作态度;
  4. 性格坚韧,思维敏捷,具备良好的应变能力和承压能力;
  5. 具有团队激励能力,能持续保持团队高昂的士气,善于发现员工情绪变化,及时调整员工心态,喜欢接受挑战。

We are the ASSA ABLOY Group
Our people have made us the global leader in access solutions. In return, we open doors for them wherever they go. With nearly 52,000 colleagues in more than 70 different countries, we help billions of people experience a more open world. Our innovations make all sorts of spaces – physical and virtual – safer, more secure, and easier to access.

As an employer, we value results – not titles, or backgrounds. We empower our people to build their career around their aspirations and our ambitions – supporting them with regular feedback, training, and development opportunities. Our colleagues think broadly about where they can make the most impact, and we encourage them to grow their role locally, regionally, or even internationally.

As we welcome new people on board, it’s important to us to have diverse, inclusive teams, and we value different perspectives and experiences.

Shanghai, CN, 200335

Sales, Marketing & Product Management
Travel Required: 61%-100%
Mid-senior level